“The pathogen is nothing; the terrain is everything.” — Louis Pasteur’s deathbed words. These were Louis Pasteur’s, father of the germ theory, final words before his death in 1895.

In today’s germophobic world, people are scared of everything related to germs. Everywhere you can see people bathing themselves in Purell or some other toxic cleaner to remove bacteria. If germs were so evil, then nobody would be alive, and we would all be constantly sick.

Instead of always focusing on ways to improve the external environments such as our hands, skin, face, etc, it is more important to concentrate on our internal environments. Many people have not had the flu in years, and it is not because they live in a bubble but because they focus on building a titanium internal environment. The stronger one builds their internal environment, the less likely the external environment will affect them.

We are surrounded by “germs” and “bacteria” all day. Nevertheless, how can someone stay healthy and never get sick, while people who lather in hand sanitizers and shower five times a day get sick often?

Here are secrets beyond chiropractic that can help you beat the flu and create a titanium internal environment this holiday season.

Increase Happiness

The goal of each day should not be to keep stress at bay. Rather, we should focus on increasing our happiness, so stress begins to go away.

This is similar to never wanting to manage a disease but increase health within the body to eliminate it. Language is everything, and thoughts become things, so this first step is critical.

As the holiday season begins to unfold many people with fall under increased stress with deadlines, travel plans, financial burdens, family coming in town, holiday parties, and other life events.

Anytime the body is under a state of stress the immune system shuts down, and disease prevails.

One way to increase happiness in your life is by looking at your value system and implementing it into your life. Health is valuable, so when one works out, gets adjusted or gets acupuncture, you are happier. Family is another top value, so when you going on date nights with your spouse, spend time with family, or playing with your kids, your happiness increases.

Figure out the top values in your life, and take the steps you can take to increase your levels of happiness. Most of the time happiness costs nothing!

Maximize Vitamin D

Have you noticed that most people do not get sick in the summer? During the summer months people are outside much more and absorbing massive amounts of vitamin D. Vitamin D plays a key role in our heath when it comes to maintaining a healthy immune system and decreasing risk of disease. Affecting 2,000 of the 30,000 genes in our bodies, increased vitamin D levels can truly build up our internal environment. Spend 10 – 20 minutes in the sun on a daily basis to get optimal vitamin D levels, as your body stops producing after 20 minutes.

Stay Home

If you do, by chance, happen to get sick: stay home! Take a sick day and rest and stay away from others so as not to spread your sickness to others who may not have as strong immune system as you. We all want to be at our optimum level of health!

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