Do you make New Year’s resolutions? We may act cool and tell people, “Psh, New Year’s resolutions? That’s silly!” But, we secretly make them. Do we always keep them? No!

Anyway, you have realized that if you want to make New Year’s resolutions, then you have to stick with goals that are actually attainable. When it comes to your health, the new year is the perfect time to make some changes, although any time is the right time to hit the reset button on making your life better. Lucky for you, there’s a chiropractor willing to help you keep those resolutions. At Zeh Chiropractic, we’re committed to better health — and here’s how Dr. Zeh can help you start the year up right!

This year, I will improve my posture

If there is one thing you can do for the health of your spine in the coming year, making a commitment to improving your posture should be it. See, your spine has three curves called the lumbar, thoracic, and cervical curves. They help maintain the health of your spine throughout the daily wear-and-tear of life because they help to balance the weight of your body evenly.

The problem arises from all that time you spend slouched over at your desk (I’m guilty myself). You’re doing it right now, aren’t you? Well, it’s time to focus on actively working on your posture when you sit, stand, and even sleep. After all, if you take care of your spine, it will take care of you.

This year, I will drink more water

Hydration is really important, and not just in the summer, either. Winter is an incredibly dry season and it zaps the moisture right out of you! Plus, in order for your back to stay healthy and the discs between your vertebrae to remain supple, you need to drink water. Your skin, muscles, brain, and your other organs all benefit from being fully hydrated too, just like plants, so make sure you’re getting at least half of your body weight in ounces of water a day. Drink up!

This year, I will keep my spine aligned

What would a New Year’s resolution for your health be without a commitment to see your chiropractor regularly? When your spine is in proper alignment, your nerve, muscle, and joint function all improve — not to mention the likely collateral benefit of a stronger immune system. Regular chiropractic adjustments are exceedingly good for the health of your spine as well as your overall health, plus your Dr. Zeh is awesome. So, get in to get adjusted regularly this year.

These are resolutions we can all keep this year in order to be stronger and healthier. So, start your year off and up right. Give our office a call today to schedule your next adjustment at 910.246.0606.

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