Pain is a complex issue.  There is much more to pain than most people realize and in fact, it can be helpful at times.  Pain is a symptom of an issue, not the issue itself.  By listening to what your body is telling you can help get to the root of the problem.  Correction of pain does not always equal the correction of the problem.  It is estimated that 11 percent of the nervous system transmits pain, thus making it of the last symptoms to show up and one of the first to go away.  Even though your pain may decrease at a rapid rate you may still have limited joint function and limited range of motionOne of the least invasive and most effective ways to increase mobility and joint function is through chiropractic adjustments.  Chiropractic care allows the central nervous system to function at its highest possible level which in turn reducing your pain. A good adjustment is completed in a few minutes and doesn’t use medication to mask the symptoms, it helps fix the cause.  Pain in not always a bad thing, it can tell you and your doctor a lot about what’s going on in your body.  If you or someone you know is in pain give our office a call at (910) 246-0606!!!