You can admit it — sometimes life feels like it’s all go-go-go. From the minute you wake up in the morning until you lay your head on your pillow at night, your day feels like it never stops. You may be able to maintain this hectic pace but usually something has to give along the way. For many people, that something is cooking healthy meals.

It’s OK — everyone cuts corners here or there when they feel as if they are in a rush. Sometimes the drive-thru shines like a beacon when you’re on your way home from work or the million errands you have to do. But it doesn’t have to be that way. There are ways you can make something as simple as shopping at the grocery store and cooking your meals easier and faster so it doesn’t seem something is made insurmountable by your hectic schedule.

Tips for Saving Time at the Grocery

Going to the grocery store can be time-consuming, but there is one thing you can do to get in and get out quickly — make a list.

Yes, a list may seem tedious but it’s been proven to be the best way to manage your time effectively in the store, getting what you need, and cutting down on trying to figure out things at the moment or on the fly. You should try to:

·         Keep a running grocery list – Keep an ongoing list on your refrigerator at home. That way, you can add things to the list as you realize you’re out of them and don’t have to worry about remembering them later. Simply take the list with you when you’re ready to go.

·         Get organized – Once you have the bones of your list, you should try to organize it. If you can put the items in the order that you usually tackle the grocery store, then you’ll effectively cut down on time going back and forth in the store and get out faster.

·         Go to the store at off hours – If you can, you should consider going to the store early in the week and either in the middle of the day or later in the evenings. There should be fewer people there at those times and that always makes for a faster experience.

·         Not go hungry – One of the worst things you can do is go to the store hungry. That’s because you’ll be more likely to buy things that weren’t on your list and stray from your list. Not only is that bad for your wallet and waistline, but it’s also bad for your time management. Go after you’ve at least had a snack, if not a whole meal.

Fast, Healthy Meals at Home

Now that you have all you need from the store to make a meal at home, what kinds of meals won’t take forever to prepare but are still good for you and your family? There are many different things you can consider, such as:

·         A sauté of vegetables over brown rice

·         A frozen pizza bulked up with some additional toppings such as mushrooms, broccoli, peppers, onions, and tomatoes

·         Cooked couscous or rice topped with pine nuts, shredded carrots, and diced tomatoes with a dash of balsamic vinegar

·         Reduced sodium black bean soup mixed with diced peppers, cilantro, and corn

·         Baked potatoes with Greek yogurt, chives, vegetables, chili, or sauteed onions

Remember, being healthy doesn’t have to be time-consuming. If you have the ingredients on hand, then you can easily throw something together that’s both nutritious and delicious.

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