Having a fun summer is more than spending more time outside or going on vacations, it’s about staying healthy and fit too!  Unfortunately, we all know traveling can be a pain in the neck and back, literally! Here are a few tips to keep you healthy and feeling great.

With increased temperature your body is losing water and nutrients at a faster rate than during colder temperatures.  Be sure you to drink plenty of water and rest more often.  If you are working outside take breaks every thirty minutes to drink water and let your body rest. 

When enjoying the summer weather always be sure you are using sunscreen.  Even on cloudy days you are still at risk for sunburn.  It is recommended that you use sunscreen with SPF 35 or higher. Hats can also be helpful in blocking harmful UV exposure.  If, despite your best efforts you manage to burn, try aloe vera for natural soothing sunburn relief.  While too much sun exposure can be harmful, 15-20 minutes a day can help boost your Vitamin D levels which help boost your mood, immunity and energy levels.

Try to skip the flip flops this summer.  Wearing shoes with little or no foot support can cause the knees to turn in, misalignment and poor posture.  This can cause overuse of the muscles and tendons in your feet.  Try wearing shoes with a thick sole and good traction.

The most important thing to staying healthy is to stick to your wellness schedule.  Be sure to keep up with your treatments.  Going long stretches without chiropractic care can set your recovery back.

Call our office at (910) 246-0606 to schedule your appointment today!!