Everyone knows that sitting up and standing up straight can make you look taller… but did you know bad posture can also have negative impacts on your health? From headaches to back pain to even gastrointestinal reflux, poor posture can make you feel heavy and achy which in return can lead you to also feel tired and irritable.

When you’re slumped forward, you are actually putting strain on certain ligaments and muscles. Amazingly, posture also seems to affect people’s emotions. People who are depressed tend to slouch. Sitting in a slouched position may make it easier for negative thoughts and memories to appear. But sitting in an upright, more ‘powerful’ position can make it easier to have empowering thoughts and memories. And sitting in front of our computer and looking down at our smartphones–may also have an effect on the rise of depression in recent years. It even helps people feel less fatigued and have more positive emotions.

Chiropractic Care for Better Posture

It can be a hard habit to break. But by retraining your brain, learning certain exercises and stretches, and meeting with a chiropractor, it is possible to polish up the correct way to sit and stand.

A chiropractor has been trained to look at your posture and analyze it with a keen eye to detect any current problems or problems they might see in the near future.

Once Dr. Zeh determines the underlying problem with your posture, he can discuss a customized treatment plan with you. Spinal adjustments, exercise, and stretches may be a part of your treatments. When you consider all the information that travels between the brain and the body through the spine, it makes sense that a healthy spine feels good all over the body. Call us at 910.246.0606 to schedule your appointment today for a free assessment on your posture! We want to help you make good posture a priority in your life!

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