After the back-to-back holidays in November and December, you probably assume there’s not much to celebrate in the new year but that’s not the case. National Clean Off Your Desk Day is Jan. 8, so it’s a good time to scoot aside the used coffee cups and Post-it notes to start the year off right.

After all, you deserve a clean workspace. And the best way for that to start is by clearing off the clutter from your desk.

Is There Proof That Clutter Makes You More Ineffective?

You may be working remotely, have a flexible work schedule, or a little bit of both with a hybrid work schedule. But no matter your circumstances, a clean desk is important.

Research has shown that clutter can negatively impact your productivity in the workplace. It has important psychological effects in a couple of ways that are obviously negative.

Increase in anxiety and stress – When your desk is cluttered, it can increase the levels of anxiety and stress you experience. Your mind can be overwhelmed by the messy workspace visually, which can make it difficult to focus on the tasks you need to complete without even realizing why. The increased stress hormone, cortisol, can be triggered by this environment as well.

Inability to fully concentrate – A cluttered desk can also make it more difficult to concentrate. This is thought to occur because the distracting items around you pull your attention away from what you should be working on, making it difficult to stay focused.

Beyond the psychological effects, there are also physical distractions and obstacles in a cluttered workspace that can make you less effective. You can have problems finding the things you need to do your job on a cluttered desk, which can interrupt your workflow. A disorganized desk can also make it more difficult to manage your time effectively.

How Does Chiropractic Fit Into Working From Home?

Whether you’re working part-time from home or full-time give us a call at 910.246.0606 to schedule an adjustment, so we can ensure that your body is functioning optimally without any joint dysfunctions that can interfere. When your body is working at its best, then your mind can work at its best, too. This can allow you to get your work done effectively and without the interruptions that can result from back, neck, or shoulder pain.

No matter how you celebrate National Clean Off Your Desk Day use it as a jumping-off point to finally get that desk clean and organized. You may be surprised at what a difference this makes to your mental health and work performance.

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