As a new mom, or even a mom with kids out of the newborn phase, it can be easy to stay focused on your children and their wellness without much thought for yourself. The kicker is that to be the best mom for your child, you have to put some energy and focus on yourself which is something chiropractic can help with!

Right after you have a baby, your body is undergoing a lot of change. Many women struggle with pain and discomfort related to hormonal changes as well as physical changes in the body such as:

  • Back pain
  • Loosened ligaments
  • Shifts in body weight distribution
  • Posture shifts
  • Pinched nerves
  • Differentials in balance

Chiropractic can help with all of these things to make the postpartum recovery process faster and easier. With targeted chiropractic adjustments, chiropractors can help to relieve any postpartum discomfort. Your body can be restored to its best function prior to the birth of your child and you will be in the best position to take on the demands of motherhood.

Adjusting for Motherhood

New moms commonly complain of aches and pains after giving birth. Besides carrying your newborn all day, you now have all of their stuff to lug around, as well as constantly moving things all over the house. Many of these repetitive movements cause problems for new moms, such as:

  • Swaying while holding a baby
  • Leaning over the baby’s crib
  • Stooping or hunching as you feed the baby
  • Slouching when you buckle a baby into a car seat
  • Carrying a child on your hip
  • Spending a lot of time leaning forward or sitting as you care for the baby
  • Rocking a baby to sleep

Neck, back, hip, and shoulder pain are not uncommon complaints for mothers. Chiropractors are experts at releasing joint restrictions to keep your body working and healing as it was intended.

Motherhood is exciting and scary, but at the end of the day, you have this perfect little person who you don’t have a problem feeling pride over because, well, you brought it into this world. Now work hard to ensure that you have the best start to motherhood — with the help of Dr. Zeh!

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