Nearly everyone has had someone tell them to “sit up straight” at least once in their lives.  When considering posture, most individuals will associate it with confidence and a more aesthetically appealing physique.  However, there is more to good and bad posture then commonly realized.

“Good” or correct posture implies the proper alignment of the spine and body, using the right amount of muscle tension.  Having correct posture means breathing better, greater brain function, and of course, a more confident and attractive appearance.  Unfortunately, the majority of individuals do not maintain proper posture throughout the day.

Sitting at a computer or desk, standing for long periods of time, and even our sleep habits can make for poor posture.  Poor posture can lead to back pain, slipped discs, poor circulation and headaches, as well as muscle fatigue.  Over a longer period of time, poor posture habits, such as slouching, can significantly heighten a person’s risk of back injury and chronic pain.

Luckily, much of the damage done by poor posture can be helped.  We can evaluate your needs and ailments and put a proper plan in effect to improve your posture.  Through specialized exercises and stretches designed to strengthen the core and postural muscles, as well as everyday advice for maintaining healthy back function, you can help alleviate ailments or risks associated with poor posture and assist you in “sitting up straight” for good.