Disc Problems


Slipped Disc

A disc can’t slip, but it can wedge, bulge, protrude and herniate. Chiropractic care may help.

Space for Nerves

The most serious disc problem is a prolapsed disc in which the soft center ruptures and leaks.

The disc is a special cartilage between the bones of your spinal column. It attaches to the vertebra above and below it. This creates the separation between spinal bones so pairs of nerves can exit the spine.


Turning and Bending

Think of a disc like a jelly donut - the donut part is like fibrous tissue and the jelly is like the inner aspect  of the disc. With an unhealthy disc, sometimes the jelly filling leaks out!  Healthy discs give you flexibility for normal turning and bending. Improper lifting, slips, falls and car accidents can cause the "jelly filling" to shift.

  • Herniation - disc wedging narrows nerve openings. Obvious symptoms may not be present.
  • Protrusion – like a blister, the disc bulges where it is the weakest, causing nerve pressure.
  • Prolapse – with the cushioning and separating compromised by rupture, movement is painful.
  • Degeneration -  lack of motion over time causes discs to literally starve. This in turn decreases the disc height and closes the opening for the nerve to come out, which causes pain.

Try Chiropractic First

Chiropractic has been a natural solution helping people with a variety of disc problems. Call us today! (910) 246-0606

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