Pregnancy can be one of the most exciting times in a woman’s life.  It can also be very scary and full of uncertainty.   One thing you can be certain of is waking up with aches and pains as your body changes to accommodate the growing child.  Getting regular chiropractic adjustments while pregnant can help ease some of these discomforts.  There are many hormonal and physical changes you’ll experience during your pregnancy. Some of these will have an impact on your posture and comfort. As your baby becomes heavier, your center of gravity shifts, and your posture adjusts accordingly.  Adjustments designed to re-establish balance and alignment to your pelvis and spine will do more than just make you feel better.

Chiropractic care can be beneficial for your baby, too.  A pelvis that’s out of alignment can restrict the amount of space available to your developing baby. When an external force obstructs your growing baby’s normal movements, it’s known as intrauterine constraint. Another complication that a misaligned pelvis may pose relates to delivery. When the pelvis is out of alignment, it can make it hard for your baby to move into the best position to be born, which is rear-facing, head down.  In some cases, this could affect a woman’s ability to have a natural birth. A balanced pelvis also means your baby has a lower chance of moving into a breech or posterior position. When your baby is not in optimal birthing position, it can lead to a longer, more complicated delivery.  Regular adjustments can also shorten labor time and improve labor and delivery overall.   

The Webster Technique is a specific sacral chiropractic adjustment used to help facilitate the mother’s pelvic alignment and nerve system function.  Dr. Zeh utilizes the Webster Technique when adjusting pregnant woman.

If you or someone you know is pregnant and considering chiropractic care call our office at (910) 246-0606!!! We will be glad to get you scheduled for an appointment or answer any questions you may have.