The Health Benefits of Stretching
Do you greet the morning with a satisfying stretch? Stretching loosens your muscles after a long night in bed and helps you feel alert and ready to face the day. But, if you only stretch first thing in the morning, you may be missing out on the many benefits stretching offers. 9 Reasons You Should…
Read MoreHow To Beat The Winter Flu
“The pathogen is nothing; the terrain is everything.” — Louis Pasteur’s deathbed words. These were Louis Pasteur’s, father of the germ theory, final words before his death in 1895. In today’s germophobic world, people are scared of everything related to germs. Everywhere you can see people bathing themselves in Purell or some other toxic cleaner…
Read MoreThe Gift Of Rest
With the holidays in full swing right about now, we want to dedicate this blog post to rest. Yes, you heard us right – REST! Sometimes… we just need simple reminders to slow down and remember why we started. So, here’s yours! In the middle of our busy routines (whatever that looks like for you),…
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