Sports Injuries and Performance Athletes at all levels are exposed to an extremely competitive and challenging environment.  More and more, those participating in a variety of sports are turning to chiropractic to support their musculoskeletal health.  Professional athletes have recently been making headlines for visiting their chiropractors to keep them in the game. Athletes in…

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Often times back pain is caused from mechanical problems that can be addressed.  You will start to feel improvement from relatively long-lasting or recurring back pain shortly after starting chiropractic treatment. Chiropractic spinal manipulation is proven to be a safe, effective, and affordable treatment option for back pain and injuries. Chiropractic care reduces pain, restores…

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    Peripheral Neuropathy Numbness, weakness, burning pain (especially at night) and loss of reflexes are symptoms of peripheral neuropathy. Peripheral neuropathy is a problem with the functioning of the nerves outside the spinal cord due to inflammation or deterioration of a nerve or group of nerves. The pain can be severe and disabling at…

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