Just when you’re starting to feel sad that summer is coming to an end, fall swoops right on in to remind you of its goodness in the form of pumpkin spice. Sure, you may not be a fan of cozy sweaters or changing leaves, but a lot of people are huge fans of pumpkin spice.…

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The autumn season is perfect for pretty colors, pumpkin spice lattes, and fall carnivals. What it isn’t always good for is health. People start to experience a decline in health when the autumn air hits. The weather changes to cold, windy, and rainy, and the summer sunshine goes away. With slick terrain, more colds than…

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When you strain your neck or strain your back, your first instinct is likely to call your chiropractor. In fact, that’s the number one reason most patients visit the office. However, most new patients are shocked to learn how their spinal health can influence their overall health. There is a chance that you’re suffering from a health…

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