So let’s be honest, you likely fall into one of two categories — you either love or hate New Year’s resolutions. Rarely is it that one finds someone who falls between those two bookends. The People Most people truly do have good intentions and want to better themselves. Folks who love making New Year’s resolutions usually…

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Frequently, first-timers or those who have only seen an adjustment but not received one are full of questions. There’s some adjustment etiquette to be aware of if you want to score points with your chiropractor and reap the full benefits of his/her chiropractic skill. Let’s go over a few things to squash any jitters and…

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Chiropractic deserves to be celebrated. After all, when you celebrate this festive time of year with music, dancing and family in good health, the chiropractic care you receive all year long is part of what allows you to do that. Let us help you get into a more festive mood this year by celebrating all…

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