Is a Standing Desk Healthier Than a Sitting Desk?

While your workspace can have an impact on your mental and emotional state, as well as your productivity at work, it can also impact your physical health. Sometimes, the source of the pain people experience is due to the way their workspaces are set up.

Many people wonder if the answer to pain related to sitting for hours behind a desk each day is to get a standing desk, but is that helpful? Does it make a difference whether you sit or stand?

There are some health benefits associated with standing desks.

Decreased chance of chronic health issues – When you sit for long periods each day, it increases your risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. Standing during the day can help to reduce the risk.

Improved circulation – Varicose veins, swelling in the lower extremities, and blood clots can all occur when you sit too much and don’t move around during the day. Standing at a desk increases mobility and movement, which can help to improve your body’s circulation.

Less pain – Standing allows you to stretch your body, which can help you to engage muscle groups that aren’t engaged while sitting, such as the core muscles and glutes. Strong core muscles can lead to less back pain.

What Are Tips for Desk Ergonomics?

While finding a good work-life balance is important, it’s also vital to your health to practice good ergonomics at your desk. Some easy tips to put into practice in the coming year include the following:

Adjust your chair correctly – Your chair is an important piece of the puzzle when it comes to good ergonomics. The height of your chair should allow your feet to sit flat on the floor. The armrests should be positioned so that you can easily reach your desk without raising your arms. Also, the backrest should be positioned to support your lower back.

Put the monitor at the right height – Your computer monitor should be right at about eye level. You shouldn’t have to tilt your head up or down to comfortably view your monitor. If it’s not at the right height, it can cause neck and shoulder pain.

Take frequent breaks – At least once each hour you should get up from your desk and move around, maybe do some light stretches if you’re so inclined.

Give us a call today at 910.246.0606 to set up an appointment with Dr. Zeh to discuss how a standing desk would benefit you!

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