1. Do you need more water?

According to Dr. Zeh, a good baseline for water consumption is drinking about half your body weight in ounces—for example, if you’re 150 pounds, aim for 75 ounces a day.  If you spend most of your day outside or sweat a lot you may want to consider drinking even more water. 

2. Are you keeping tabs on your diet?

Nutrition and diet can affect the entire body!  Keep a food diary and try to identify any patterns between what you eat and what you feel.  If you notice you get a headache a few hours after you eat something specific, say dense carbohydrates or sugary foods, consider eliminating or limiting that food.

3. Do you need more oxygen?

As a whole, we’re pretty shallow breathers.  Regular pulsing or throbbing headaches are a good indicator that you’re not getting enough oxygen to your brain.  Try taking a little time each day to focus on taking ten deep breaths.  Breathe straight from your diaphragm, inhaling deeply and exhaling completely.

4. Have you checked your posture?

Is your head leaning forward?  When the muscles and ligaments in your neck are stressed or strained due to poor posture, it can cause headaches.  Pay attention to how you’re sitting during the day.  Set posture notifications on your phone that’ll remind you to stand up or to correct your posture.  Your head, shoulders and hips to be aligned. 

5. Could it be your meds?

Many of us are on different medications, and we don’t consider the side effects. Evaluate your medications even if you think that could be completely unrelated. Read the side effects, and if you suspect that your medication contributes to your headaches, check in with the physician who prescribed them to you.

Regular chiropractic adjustments can relieve or eliminate headaches. If you or someone you know suffers from headaches call our office at (910) 246-0606 to schedule and appointment!!!

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